Spotify Wrapped 2022: How to see your Wrapped Results, Stats & Playlist

Spotify Wrapped, Spotify Wrapped 2022, Annual Spotify Wrapped, Annual Spotify Summary,

The most awaited time for a Spotify user is December; this is the time which is associated with the release of your Spotify Wrapped. A plethora of music lovers who would love to unwrap their music habits desperately wait for 365 days from the release of one wrapped till to the next wrap-up. Since it was released in 2017, it got popularity year by year as it appeals to listeners who could get a compilation of data for their music routine, featuring everything from top artists, genres, songs, music aura, podcasts, and minutes of listening.

What is Spotify Wrapped & what does it shows you?

It’s never been facile to fetch and amuse yourself with songs that match your music taste. Spotify makes this feasible for its users with an amazing feature called Spotify Wrapped. Wrapped shows you a slide show (story) that summarizes the specific year’s most popular artists and podcasts. Moreover, you can showcase your unique music taste. Depending on your listening habits it suggests a playlist comprising 100 top songs of that specific year that matches your listening needs

The three most predictable wrapped statistics, top 5 songs, top 5 artists, and top 5 albums depend upon the number of streams (if you listen to a track for at least 30 seconds, it is called a stream). Wrapped gives you a visual representation that is deep insights into your listening stats from the 1st of January to the 31st of October which means your streams are being counted throughout these dates. Spotify algorithm tracks your listening activity through the year and presents you a shareable wrapped card that depicts your top songs, artists, genres, and podcast that you listen to the most in that specific year.

The most enchanting as well as interactive feature of sharing wrapped cards on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok, and Snapchat enhances its adoration among listeners around the globe. Apart from the user, an artist can also share his podcast and listened to stats on social media.

Spotify Wrapped, Spotify Wrapped 2022, Annual Spotify Wrapped, Annual Spotify Summary, Artist Wrapped Shareable card
Artist – Spotify Wrapped

The shareable Spotify Wrapped Card includes

• Audio Aura
• Top Artist
• Top Artists
• Top Song
• Top Songs
• Top Genres
• Minute listened
• Top Podcast

Read More: How to Download Music from Spotify?

How to see Spotify Wrapped

1- As Spotify Wrapped 2022 is scheduled to be released in December, hence for now I’ll explain to you how and from where you can see the upcoming wrapped with the help of my 2021 wrapped. In your android/IOS device Spotify app, navigate to the bottom of the home menu. The very first option you’ll is your wrapped.

Spotify Wrapped, Spotify Wrapped 2022, Annual Spotify Wrapped, Annual Spotify Summary, Artist Wrapped Shareable card, Spotify wrapped top songs 2022,
Top Songs – Spotify Wrapped

Alternatively, if you want to access more features, you can also go in your search and type wrapped, from here you can also access your wrap.

2- The 2021 wrapped story was 13 parts long that includes many things of which some major are your top artists, top songs, minutes spent on streaming, and your audio aura. If you want to save a story on your device or you want to share it with your friends simply select share this story.

Spotify Wrapped, Spotify Wrapped 2022, Annual Spotify Wrapped, Annual Spotify Summary, Artist Wrapped Shareable card, Spotify wrapped top songs 2022, Top Artist Wrapped 2022,

Some users aren’t swift enough to tap this button before the story switch to the next. Here is a trick you can try:

• Tap and hold with one of your thumbs at the middle of the screen, it will pause the slide show.

• With your other hand select share this story, it’s all done!

3- This Wrapped becomes more interactive when you get to play a truth and false selection game that is based on questions related to your music taste. It becomes more interesting when you share these questions with your friends to know how much your fellows know about your listening habits

Spotify Wrapped, Spotify Wrapped 2022, Annual Spotify Wrapped, Annual Spotify Summary, Artist Wrapped Shareable card, Spotify wrapped top songs 2022, Top Artist Wrapped 2022,

4- As mentioned before, Spotify tracks you on your listening activities throughout the year and curates a playlist of 100 top songs that are based on your music taste. So, when it comes to the slide of your top 100 songs playlist, there is also an option of adding to your library. Once you click, it adds to your library, now you can open and listen to it any time.

Spotify Wrapped, Spotify Wrapped 2022, Annual Spotify Wrapped, Annual Spotify Summary, Artist Wrapped Shareable card, Spotify wrapped top songs 2022, Top Artist Wrapped 2022, Top 100 Songs 2022 Playlist,

5- At the end of the Wrapped story, you will find a shareable card that is very handy as it comprises a summary of your significant music information. To share this card tap on social media tap on the share button and it will be saved as a picture on your device.

Spotify Wrapped, Spotify Wrapped 2022, Annual Spotify Wrapped, Annual Spotify Summary, Artist Wrapped Shareable card, Spotify wrapped top songs 2022, Top Artist Wrapped 2022, Top 100 Songs 2022 Playlist, Wrapped Shareable Card 2022,

At the end of the Wrapped story, you can look your library to check your top 100 songs that you’ve listened to the most in that specific year.

Read More: How to change/Reset your Spotify Password?

How can I see my Spotify Stats (Third Party Platforms)

If you are the kind of person, who is so concerned about his music habits and want more deep insights into his listening statistics a single annual wrap couldn’t fulfill your requirement. If you want to analyze your Spotify Stats, then don’t need to wait for the whole year for your wrapped to come up in December.

Numerous third-party platforms could figure out your listening activities and give you a fair picture of how much you are fond of a specific artist, song, or podcast. Out of these apps/website platforms, some renowned are Stats for Spotify, Obscurify, Chosic, Spotify Pie, Zodiac Affinity, Stats.FM, Discover Quickly, MusicScape, MusicTaste.Space, Recieptify, and many more. You can check these platforms to opt for the one that gives you the best feel along with a great user interface

Spotify Wrapped, Spotify Wrapped 2022, Annual Spotify Wrapped, Annual Spotify Summary, Artist Wrapped Shareable card, Spotify wrapped top songs 2022, Top Artist Wrapped 2022, Top 100 Songs 2022 Playlist, Wrapped Shareable Card 2022, Spotify
Image from Spotify

If I put some light on Stats for Spotify, then this awesome platform facilitates you with many illuminated aspects. It pulls in your stats that comprise your top tracks, songs, artists, genres, and recently played. The ‘Recently Played’ tab edge you to recall a song you just listened to, but this feature is not available in Spotify app for some users who prefer an auto-generated playlist and listen to it in shuffle mode.

Special Note: All platforms which facilitate you to provide your Spotify listening statistics, are not affiliated with Spotify as these are third-party apps & A.I tools. You need to link your account with your desired platform and for that, you must grant them access to your Spotify account.


1- Can I see my Spotify Wrapped on Desktop?

You can’t see your Spotify wrapped on the desktop as it is only available on the mobile app. As you can’t see the wrap shareable cards in your desktop/Mac app, you can find your wrapped playlist comprising your top 100 songs in your library.

2- Why I can’t see my Spotify Wrapped on my Phone?

You don’t need to get faint in such a scenario as sometimes it takes some while to roll out new features to your app. Moreover, also keep in your mind that wrapped is not shown to all users at the same time. It only is shown on your android and IOS app rather than your web app.

3- How can I access my Spotify Wrapped after December?

Yes, you can access your wrapped content even after disappears from your homepage after December. All you need to do is to type Spotify wrapped in your search and it will appear as a genre. You must have to save your wrap cards as goes away after the story goes off after December.

4- How can I see my old Wrapped playlist?

Yes, you can access and save your old Wrapped playlist as Spotify hold it for its users. You’ve to log in to your account and click on these links to access your old playlist for any specific year.
2017 Wrapped
2018 Wrapped
2019 Wrapped
2020 Wrapped
2021 Wrapped
To save your playlist in your library for future listening, click the heart button beneath the playlist

Finals Words

Spotify Wrapped is an amazing and interactive feature, but a user has to wait for an entire year for his wrap to come up and eventually move to other platforms to get his listening stats. Some lagging points need to be rectified by Spotify like instant stats checking and ‘Recently played’ add-on features. I have tried my best to cover each minimal detail regarding Spotify wrapped, if you still facing any queries you can reach us in below comment section.

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